Books and registers
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The Koninklijk Friesch Paarden-Stamboek (KFPS) is the (mother/original) studbook for the Friesian-horse breed and registers, for its members, only and solely purebred Friesian horses of which both parents are known. In such a case we speak of a closed studbook. Nothing new is what you may think but you may think diff erently after reading this information.

To aid in the registration the studbook is, administratively, divided into sections, categories, and registers. Because the KFPS is a closed studbook all horses are registered into the main section. Within this main section registered horses are divided into various categories. The former term refers to the «books» (KFPS (main)book, the D-book, and B-books I and II) in which horses are entered. Within these books horses are subdivided by means of «registers.» These registers are the umbrella term for more familiar terms such as predicates, which may be awarded to horses at, e.g., inspections and breeding days.

KFPS main book KFPS D-book
KFPS certificate KFPS (main) book KFPS certificate D-book
KFPS B-book I KFPS B-book II
KFPS certificate B-book KFPS certificate B-book II

Affiliated studbooks

In addition to the Dutch original studbook there are individual studbooks in various member countries of the European Union, that received the necessary recognition to this end from the country in question. Such studbooks are described in the KFPS registration regulations as «affiliated studbooks», that have the possibility to independently register horses, have their own breeding program, and issue their own studbook certificates. Of all the affiliated studbooks only the German FPZV executes its own registration and breeding program. In big outlines we can say that the manner of registration abroad and of KFPS is as follows.

When the owner of a horse is a member of KFPS he/she can have the offspring of a stallion registered with an affiliated studbook, in most cases, registered in the D-book of KFPS. In such a case the owner receives a Dutch KFPS studbook certificate.

Also in case of transfer of such an offspring, from the affiliated studbook to KFPS, will such a horse be registered in the D-book. The horse retains in that case the studbook certificate as it was issued by the affiliated studbook. At the request of the affiliated studbook in question KFPS can execute the registration and the breeding program in the country in question where the affiliated studbook is recognized. In such a case the horses of members of the affiliated studbook are registered in the same way and thus under the same conditions and regulations as horses of KFPS members. With the exception of FPZV, KFPS is for all other foreign daughter studbooks, as the affialiated studbooks are also referred to, the executing organization where it concerns registration and breeding program. Although various countries have their own judges, they also always function in their own country up to now under the supervision of Dutch inspection-team members.

Which horse goes where

Let us start with an obvious combination: a mare with a complete KFPS lineage, let’s say a Feitse 293P x Djurre 284, bred by Karel 370. The foal from this combination will be registered in the KFPS-book.

This same mare is exported to Mexico and is bred in that country by Foal-book ster stallion Borke van Diphoorn. This stallion has received a breeding permit for one year for a limited number of mares, which is only valid within the Mexican borders. Foals produced in that year are registered in B-book I. If foals are produced outside Mexico or outside the year in which the breeding permit is valid then they are registered in B-book II.

Our Feitse x Djurre mare is flown to Germany to be bred to a FPZV approved stallion, and important here is that this approval took place based on grounds with which KFPS agrees. The foal of this combination will be registered in the D-book.

Why is it so important that KFPS agrees with the approval process? As mentioned only FPZV is operating as an independent affiliated studbook. Also their inspection policies deviate from the KFPS procedures. With that also the stallion policies and that brings us to a difficult subject regarding registration within KFPS. After all, FPZV has approved, among other horses, the by KFPS on offspring disapproved studbook stallions Adel 357, Jelke 367, and Tsjitse 387 for breeding. It goes without saying that offspring of stallions that earlier, based on the quality of their offspring were disapproved for breeding within the mother studbook can no longer be allowed in the KFPS-book. The well-founded reasons for disapproval by KFPS result in former studbook stallions having the same status as Foal-book stallions without a breeding permit. Their offspring will, therefore, with KFPS not be registered in the D-book but in B-book II.

Another dilemma are stallions such as Abel Boszorg. Earlier this stallion — solely serving here as an example — participated in the performance testing. KFPS determined based on this testing that the stallion for KFPS is not suitable as a sire. In 2006, FPZV was of a different opinion and approved the stallion for breeding based on their own regulations. Because KFPS does not recognize the FPZV regulations applied to this approval the stallion, just like the above-mentioned former studbook stallions, is considered a Foal-book stallion of which the offspring were registered in B-book II. Please note the use of the past tense «were», because due to the by FPZV determined sport requirements, which Abel Boszorg met in 2007, KFPS also recognizes this stallion as a breeding stallion of the German studbook. This means that foals to be born in 2008 with a dam registered in the KFPS-book will be registered in the KFPS D-book. If, of course, they are announced to KFPS by the owner to this end.

How do you know which stallion is recognized as a breeding stallion of the daughter studbook by KFPS and which one is not? For this you are dependent on the information provided by the studbooks and the stallion owner.


In a large number of cases it is possible to have horses promoted from one studbook to the other. The promotion regulations in force that apply to this matter have recently been adjusted by the Member Council. In the new promotion regulations the use of studbook stallions is stimulated and from now on the registration quality (number of generations in a pedigree that are or are not produced by studbook stallions) will be taken into account. Offspring of horses registered with KFPS in B-book II are, if the sire is a studbook stallion, registered in B-book I. If a Foal-book stallion with breeding permit is used this promotion will take place not in one but in two generations.

Promotion from B-book I to the main book can take place with two generations of offspring produced by studbook stallions, however, if the sire of the foal is a studbook stallion and if in the four last, consecutive generations of the foal’s dam line three mares were produced by studbook stallions, promotion to the main studbook can take place in one generation! Promotion from the D-book to the KFPS-(main) book will take place in one generation if a KFPS studbook stallion is used.


A second new item is the inspection system in effect for all books. The manner of inspecting remains the same. Previously your B-book II horse could not be inspected and therefore not be registered in one of the registers. With the new system all horses can be inspected and entered in one of the registers. This means that all horses entered in one of the studbook categories can be shown for a predicate or premie. The categories/books will this way show the quality of lineage (produced or not by studbook stallions) and the registers/predicates and premies give an indication of the quality of the horse compared to the breeding goal.


KFPS Studbook
approved stallion
KFPS stallion
Foal-book stallion
with breeding
Foal-book stallion
without breeding
KFPS-book mare KFPS-book D-book B-book II B-book I B-book II
D-book mare KFPS-book D-book B-book II B-book I B-book II
B-book I mare sired by a non-stb stallion B-book I B-book I B-book II B-book I B-book II
B-book I mare sired by stb stallion KFPS-book B-book I B-book II B-book I B-book II
B-book I mare with 3 x stb stallion in last 4 generations KFPS-book B-book I B-book II B-book I B-book II
B-book II mare sired by Vb or not-recognized stallion B-book I B-book II B-book II B-book II B-book II
B-book II mare sired by Vb with breeding permit B-book I B-book I B-book II B-book I B-book II

Stb = Studbook/stamboek; Vb = Foal-book stallion/Veulenboekhengst


All information was published on the newsletter «Studbook information for foreign KFPS-members 01-2008».


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